Well, what a roller coaster few weeks! After the week with two home inspections in two days, the negotiations for dealing with Radon issues, and getting myself off crutches, I was ready for some quieter moments. I even went away for a vacation... with my electronic leash (i.e. smart phone) attached.
No significant issues arose while I was away, save that my up-coming closing almost got derailed. YIKES!
Some background: My clients are purchasing a short-sale property. What a misnomer! Really these should be called ridiculously long, with insane amounts of paperwork, sales. My clients had submitted an offer which was accepted by the two companies that held liens on the property. We completed home inspection, acknowledged the radon issues, and continued to prepare for closing the transaction. However, there was one small complication. The buyers lender had one new detail they requested from the seller's lien holders: an actual signature on the approval documents. One might think that having a bank case manager sign a document that he or she has already written and submitted would be easy. It is not. Instead, it took two weeks, many phone calls (my appreciation to the listing agent and to the mortgage officer, David Duplessis of Equity America Mortgage), and pleading in order to get a signature on the primary lien. The secondary lien holder never acknowledged any portion of this process.
Once the title company's attorney issued a letter to the lender that he would be able to issue title insurance, the lender agreed to let everything proceed toward the closing table. My clients are super excited about owning their first home together, moving in, and beginning the next phase of their lives. Now if only I were sure about what to get them as a closing gift :-).
Have a great few weeks! See you all soon.